
Our legal information were updated 1st January 2024.

Do you have any questions regarding the use of our website or privacy policy?

is a website of La Perla GmbH, Nonnenburgstraße 24, 78532 Tuttlingen.

N24 Apartments is not willing and not obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSGB). Platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution:

Privacy Policy

You are important to us. Also your personal data. Therefore is the use of our website possible without providing personal data.

Personal data is collected only when you voluntarily offer this data to us in the booking process, through the integrated RESAVIO online booking system. We use the data, that you have provided us, exclusively for the specific purpose of fulfilling and processing your booking. The transfer of your personal data to third parties is excluded. According to the German privacy law you can revoke your agreement for the use of your data at any time. Once you notify us of your revocation via email, we will block your data for further processing. Under certain conditions you have a right to the correction, barring or deletion of your personal data stored by us. You always have the right to receive information about your stored personal data and the purpose of storage.